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Windows XP Professional Free Download merupakan salah satu sistem operasi berbasis grafis yang dibuat oleh Microsoft yang bisa kita gunakan pada komputer rumah (PC) , desktop bisnis, laptop dan juga media center. Windows XP adalah penerus dari Windows 2000 Professional dan Windows Me yang sudah terintegrasi update terakhirnya bulan Mei 2020.
System Requirements
- CPU: Pentium 233-Megahertz (MHz) processor or faster 300 MHz is recommended
- RAM: At least 64 Megabytes (MB) of RAM (128 MB is recommended)
- HDD: At least 1.5 gigabytes (GB) of available space on the hard disk
- CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive
- Keyboard and a Microsoft Mouse or some other compatible pointing device
- Video adapter and monitor with Super VGA (800 x 600) or higher resolution
- Sound card
- Speakers or headphones
Fitur Windows XP SP3
- Includes updates provided by Microsoft as of October 27, 2016, in other words Persian date Aban 1395
- Without altering the Windows registry and content
- Activation using the serial Geniune without having to crack
- With Internet Explorer 8, along with all updates
- Along with the latest SATA drivers to be installed on laptop
Informasi Tambahan
- Size of less than 700 MB Windows and can burn it on a CD and use it.
- To burn the CD from low speed to use.
- The latest version of Flash Player provided at the time of the release of Windows, Windows is installed.
- Windows Media Player software in the Windows Version 9 is not updated.
- This version includes the latest updates to Microsoft Windows XP and in this sense – Microsoft’s claims – not only an update will add new security update
Cobain juga : WinPE 10-8 Sergei Strelec Terbaru
Cara Install Windows XP
- Download filenya dibawah
- Jika sudah selesai, silahkan Mount, lalu Burning ke CD/DVD/ Flashdisk
- Silahkan install dan masukkan License yang sudah disediakan
- Selesai
min ini ada crack nya apa nggk ?
Sudah termasuk license nya didalam folder
min yg 32bit gak ada?
mohon maaf sebelumnya, tidak bermaksd apa2, ini legal nggak?
Ilegal gan alias bajakan
Apakah versi ini support SATA driver?
Link rusak
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link gk bisa lg gan
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gan, link nya sudah tidak bisa di dowload. bisa di upload ulang gan? makasih
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Instal drivernya pake apa?