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Adobe - Harga:
Adobe Flash Player merupakan sebuah plugin browser gratis yang sangat penting bagi komputer anda. Tanpa Flash Player anda tidak akan bisa memutar konten yang flash di browser seperti Video, game baik itu di Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer dll.
Fitur Utama Adobe Flash Player
- Stage 3D. Build stunning, blazing-fast cinematic 2D and 3D games. Use fully accelerated GPU rendering, which leverages the power of OpenGL and DirectX graphics.
- Enhanced mouse control. Create immersive, panoramic games that take advantage of infinite scrolling, mouse lock, relative mouse coordinates, and right- and middle-click events.
- Concurrency. Create high-performance, more responsive games and ******* using ActionScript workers and shared ByteArray support. Share memory and leverage machine resources by offloading tasks to background workers that run concurrently.
- Full-screen support. Deliver exciting, full-screen games with full keyboard support across browsers (including Chrome, Firefox, and Internet
- Explorer) and operating systems (Mac and Windows).
- HD-quality video. Play high-quality HD video with industry-standard codecs such as H.264, AAC, and MP3. Use GPU hardware optimization and chipsets that scale across all platforms to provide best-in-class video performance.
Panduan Install
- Download file nya dibawah
- Uninstall adobe flash player versi lama
- Extract file yang sudah didownload tadi dengan WinRAR
- Tutup semua browser yang terbuka
- Install flash player terbaru
- Selesai.
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ada 3 file di dalam winrar,, di install yang mana ya kak